If the young leaders of the world work together with commitment towards democracy, it will pave the way for the welfare of humanity not only in India, but across the world, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said here on Sunday. Addressing a a meeting of the participants of the Gen Next Democracy Network programme here at his official residence Adityanath said that all the countries of the world are working together with the spirit of India’s ancient motto ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ (the world is a family), having adopted democracy in some form or the other, calling it a matter of “great pride.” At the event, the Chief Minister felicitated young leaders from Argentina, Botswana, Canada, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, and Lithuania, the UP government said in a statement.
“In Uttar Pradesh, we are running many programmes which are bringing changes to the lives of common citizens and making them self-reliant. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi ji, every citizen of the country and the state feels proud because he knows that not only India is in safe hands, but also the interests of every citizen are protected” he said. Seconding Modi, Adityanath too called India “the mother of all democracies.”