In a sudden move, Uttar Pradesh government took away or downgraded security cover of several opposition leaders, including former chief ministers Mulayam Singh Yadav, Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati and Samajwadi Party MPs Dimple Yadav and Ram Gopal Yadav and SP leaders like Shivpal Yadav and Azam Khan.
However, some have had their security cover upgraded, including senior BJP leader Vinay Katiyar, who will now get Z category security . The decision was taken late on Saturday following a meeting of security committee comprising principal secretary (home), ADG Intelligence and ADG (security) withnewly-appointed DGP Sulkhan Singh+ . The order came into effect from Saturday night.
So far, as many as 151 VIPs were enjoying graded security and while the cover has been totally withdrawn from 105 of them, it has been downgraded in the case of 46 VIPs.