Addressing the audience at the book release function of ‘Governor’s guide’, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Aditya Nath said, there is one controversy doing rounds in the state as few people are saying that they won’t sing ‘Vande Mataram’. He added that in the 21st century when we are talking about development, this should not be the most discussed issue. According to the TV reports, he said that it is a serious issue and everyone should sing ‘Vande Mataram’. Not singing shows prejudiced mind.
He said all of us need to follow a path for progress and added that not singing Vande Matram is serious. The UP CM said that everyone must sing Vande Matram without question. Yogi Adityanath mentioned that there is a need for a book that can guide the people of India about their duties and the government is trying everything possible to come up with it as early as possible.