The Uttar Pradesh government has banned the use of polythene bags and items of common use made of plastic from July 15, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said today. “We have decided to ban plastic in the entire state from July 15,” he said on Twitter. “I appeal that after July 15 plastic cups, glasses and polythene should not be used at any level. This will need the cooperation of all of you,” the message in Hindi, released by the CM’s office, said. Adityanath’s tweet did not give further details. When contacted, officials said the modalities of the ban were being worked out and the concerned department has been asked to submit a blueprint as soon as possible, after which a meeting will be held with the chief minister. Details were being worked out to ensure that the ban can be enforced effectively, officials said.
Plastic has been “banned” earlier in the state, but the prohibition on its use has not been implemented effectively so far. In December 2015, when the Akhilesh Yadav government was in power, the state Cabinet decided on an absolute ban on distribution, manufacture and sale of plastic and polythene bags with a thickness of more than 40 microns. However, by January 2016 many areas, including Noida on Delhi’s outskirts, had failed to adhere to the guidelines and the ban could not be implemented seriously. It is not immediately clear if there are any exemptions to the latest ban and no penalties have been announced.