After trouncing BJP in the recently-held Lok Sabha by-elections in Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s citadel Gorakhpur and another key constituency Phulpur, Samajwadi Party (SP) and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) are targeting Kairana next. Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and BSP supremo Mayawati had a detailed conversation in Lucknow yesterday, according to Indian Express report.
During the 40-minute dialogue, both the political stalwarts were reportedly looking to elongate the electoral understanding to dent BJP’s chances in upcoming polls. The polling for the Lok Sabha seat is necessitated after BJP MP Hukum Singh passed away in February.
Reports say that such engagements at the highest level will continue between the two parties. It has been learnt that both SP and BSP have by and large arrived at a consesus on the seat sharing formula. Akhilesh and Mayawati has held telephonic conversations since February. Mayawati yesterday had claimed BJP may advance Lok Sabha polls after Gorakpur, Phulpur and Araria bypolls results.