Veteran actor and Member of Parliament Vinod Khanna ? the Bollywood heartthrob best known for his roles in films such as “Amar Akbar Anthony,” “Qurbaani” and “Insaaf” — died of cancer at a hospital here this morning. He was 70.”He passed away at 11.20 AM. It’s a sad moment for us..
We request you all (media) for privacy,” the actor’s brother Pramod Khanna told PTI
Khanna was admitted to the Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital on March 31 with complications arising out of severe dehydration.An official statement from the hospital said Khanna was suffering from bladder cancer.
The actor is survived by his wife, Kavita Khanna, and four children – Rahul, Akshaye, Sakshi, and Shraddha.
Rahul and Akshaye, both actors, were from his first wife, Geetanjali.Feted as one of the most handsome actors of the Hindi film industry, Khanna made his acting debut in 1968 with “Man Ka Meet”. In many of the earlier films, Khanna played a negative or a supporting role.
His potential was first noticed in Gulzar’s “Mere Apne” in 1971.A much sought after actor in the 1970s and 1980s, he acted in several blockbusters, including “Mera Gaon Mera Desh”, “Reshma Aur Shera”, “Elan”, “Insaaf” and “Dayavan”