Rajya Sabha chairman and vice-president M. Venkaiah Naidu on Monday refused to admit a Congress-led notice to initiate impeachment proceedings against chief justice Deepak Misra. Explaining the decision, Naidu, in a statement, said he was of the firm opinion that the notice doesn’t deserve to be admitted. He also noted there was a spate of statements that ‘vitiated the atmosphere’ and the decision would end the ‘needless speculation’.
“I have considered the material contained in the Notice of Motion and reflected upon the inputs received in my interaction with legal luminaries and constitutional experts. I am of the firm opinion that the Notice of Motion does not deserve to be admitted. I refuse to admit the Notice of Motion,” Naidu said in a 10-page order dated Monday on Rajya Sabha website.
Naidu also pointed out that the opposition parties had disregarded parliamentary customs and conventions which prohibit any publicity of any notice submitted by a member till it has been admitted by the chairman and circulated by the members. He said he consulted legal and constitutional experts over the issue.