Prime Minister Narendra Modi reviewed nine mega projects in 16 states worth over Rs. 61,000 crore through video conferencing on Wednesday. “Slow pace and outdated vision adversely impacted our growth trajectory for decades. Such attitudes will not be tolerated now,” PM Modi tweeted after reviewing the projects, including in Jammu and Kashmir, the country’s newest Union Territory.
“Today’s Pragati session was a fruitful one,” PM Modi tweeted, referring to the event that aims to ensure all the mega projects meet their deadlines. “As far as aspirational districts are concerned, I saw in detail the dashboard based on 49 key indicators. The all-round progress being made is stupendous. There are marked improvements even in previously slow moving areas such as nutrition,” PM Modi said.
In a photo on his official website, the Prime Minister is seen seated across a large screen and surrounded by senior officials as he reviewed the projects and heard briefings from the officials.”UP’s (Uttar Pradesh) performance is noteworthy. While reviewing key infra projects, I emphasised on two things: speedy completion of pending development works, and upgrading infrastructure where needed,” PM Modi said.