The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has brought in secure digitally-signed QR code on eAadhaar that will now contain photograph of the Aadhaar holder too, in addition to demographic details, to facilitate better offline verification of an individual.
“The UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has recently replaced existing QR code on eAadhaar having resident’s demographic details now with a secured digitally-signed QR Code which contains demographics along with photograph of the Aadhaar holder,” a UIDAI official said.
A QR code is a form of barcode label which contains machine-readable information, while eAadhaar is the electronic version of Aadhaar that can be downloaded from UIDAI website. The new feature, the digitally-signed QR code, will contain photo of the Aadhaar holder in addition to existing facility of demographic details, in turn allowing various user agencies like banks to verify authenticity of Aadhaar card offline.