The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) plans to set up ‘Aadhaar Seva Kendras’, similar to the concept of Passport Seva Kendras, covering 53 cities across India at an estimated project cost of Rs 300-400 crore, official sources said. These proposed Aadhaar centres, meant to facilitate enrolment, updation and other activities, will be UIDAI’s own and operate in addition to 30,000 centres, currently being run by banks and post offices, and in government premises (offering similar Aadhaar services), they added.
UIDAI officials who did not wish to be named told that the centres are aimed at offering convenience to individuals, looking to avail enrolment and update services. The Aadhaar Seva Kendras will provide people the facility to book prior appointment for these services, the officials familiar with the development said, adding that each metro will have four of these centres, and other cities two centres each.