Come August 15, India’s Independence Day, Chief Minister TS Rawat will hoist the Indian flag at Gamshali, (Barahoti), the border village that usually attracts attention on and off due to Chinese incursions.On Wednesday BJP MLA from Badrinath Mahindra Bhatt extended invitation to the Chief Minister to participate in the local fair that is held every year at Gamshali. Barahoti is located on Uttarakhand’s border with China ans is a grass land for grazing sheep and goats. An ITBP camp is also located at Gamshali.“On behalf of the villagers today, I invited Chief Minister TS Rawat to participate in the fair that is held between August 10 and August 20 in Gamshali (Dumfudhar). It is said that the villagers heard the news about India’s independence five days late on the radio. In order to make up for the late news, the villagers decided to celebrate the occasion for 10 days,” said Mahindra Bhatt, BJP MLA from Badrinath.