Surjit Bhalla quit the Economic Advisory Council (EAC) to Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, he said on microblogging website Twitter on Tuesday.Bhalla did not mention reasons for his leaving, but a government official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the economist wanted to join the media industry. In the same Twitter post about an election forecast article published in the Indian Express, Bhalla described his credentials as contributing editor, Indian Express, and consultant at Network18 Group. “I resigned as part-time member PMEAC on 1 December,” said his post. The unnamed official quoted above said Bhalla’s resignation had been accepted.
Bhalla, who holds a PhD in economics from Princeton University, is also a senior analyst at the Observatory Group, a New York-based advisory firm. In his book ‘The New Wealth of Nations’ published last year, Bhalla argued that income inequality was declining in the world due to the spread of education.