Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan has said that as on 01.07.2018, there are 20585 LPG distributorships in country. With a view to strengthen the LPG distribution infrastructure, Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have advertised 6351 locations including 26 locations in the State of Punjab for selection of new LPG Distributorships under Unified Guidelines for Selection of LPG Distributorships 2016.
In a written reply in Lok Sabha today, he said that new distributors are selected through online process which includes online receipt of application, processing and online draw of lots. Online draw of lots is conducted by M/s Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd.(MSTC), a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Steel, with the assistance of National Informatics Centre(NIC).