Sebi restrained stock broker CPR Capital Services, its six present and past directors and a group firm from the securities market till further directions in a matter related to misutilisation of client securities. While the present directors are Pawan Kumar Garg, Anuj Garg and Dinesh Kumar, the past ones are Shashi Garg, Vijay Pal Singh and Anita Mann. The group firm is CPR Commodities Services, according to a Sebi order.
CPR and the seven other entities have also been directed to provide a full inventory of all their assets, whether movable or immovable or any interest or investment or charge in any of such assets in five working days. In October 2015, the NSE carried out an inspection of CPR for the period from April 2014 to August 2015 and forwarded its observations to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), following which the markets regulator carried out an examination of the stock broker for the period from April 2015 to December 2016.