Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) approved the initial public offer (IPO) of Blackstone-backed Aadhar Housing Finance, showed the market regulator’s site on April 8. This confirms Moneycontrol’s April 5 story about Blackstone-backed Aadhar Housing Finance getting the SEBI nod after its refiled its draft initial share sale documents on February 2.
The proposed IPO will combine a fresh issue of shares of up to Rs 1,000 crore and an offer-for-sale component of as much as Rs 4,000 crore. Blackstone will dilute its stake as part of the share sale, reported Moneycontrol. The affordable home financier had previously filed papers for an IPO in January 2021 and had received a nod from the regulator in May 2022. After a year, the validity of the approval lapses and issuers keen on a fresh attempt need to file documents afresh.