Hitting back at Rahul Gandhi, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah Monday said the ‘Save the Constitution’ campaign launched by the Congress chief is an exercise to save the dynasty and that the opposition party’s “Modi hatred” has turned into “India hatred”.
In a statement soon after Rahul Gandhi launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Shah said if there is one political party that has trampled over the Constitution in letter and spirit, time and again, it is the opposition party. He made a mention of the Congress’ move to impeach the Chief Justice of India and said it is part of a trend to demonise and weaken every institution that seeks to maintain its individual identity and does not “kowtow to the dynasty”, a reference to the Gandhi family.
The BJP chief also cited the Congress’ alleged attack on the CAG, Election Commission, the Army and the Supreme Court at different points of time and its imposition of the Emergency in 1975 to hit back “Those who do not trust the Army, the judiciary, the Supreme Court, the Election Commission, EVMs, the RBI are now saying democracy is in danger.