In the latest development in a 1998 poaching case that has put Salman Khan behind bars, the Jodhpur District and Sessions Court Judge Ravindra Kumar Joshi, who was expected to pronounce the order on the actor’s bail plea, has been transferred to Sirohi.
Judge Dev Kumar Khatri, who gave the verdict on the case, sentencing Khan to 5 years in jail, and acquitting his ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ co-stars, has also been transferred. Judges in Rajasthan are usually transferred between April 15 and 30 every year. This move is part of the annual reshuffle by the Rajasthan High Court. 87 judicial officers have been transferred this year.
Earlier on Friday, Judge Joshi had adjourned the bail hearing to today. He had reportedly asked for more documents, including the files of previous cases heard by rural and High Courts, to go forward with the hearing.