Rajya Sabha proceedings were adjourned till 2 pm on Monday amid massive sloganeering and protest by Congress and other opposition parties over various issues, including price rise. When the House reassembled at 12 noon for Question Hour after adjournment during the morning session, opposition parties again started protesting.
Some MPs from the opposition benches also came into the Well of the House and shouted slogans.
However, Bhubaneswar Kalita, who was in the chair, went ahead with the Question Hour.
Several questions were taken up amid the protest
It was at around 12.40 that the proceedings were again adjourned till 2 pm.
Before adjourning the proceedings, Kalita told protesting members that the leader of opposition (Mallikarjun Kharge) has demanded discussion on the issue of price rise.
He further said the leader of the House (Piyush Goyal) has informed that the discussion would be taken up tomorrow. Protesting members did not yield to Kalita’s request for order in the House leading to adjournment.