Days after GST was implemented and in a move to ease worries of traders, a clarification has been issued by the Office of the Chief Commissioner of GST (Delhi Zone). The statement issued says that no officer of the Department is authorised to visit the premises of the traders and shopkeepers without authorization. Also, the department has issued a helpline number which people can dial to lodge their complaints. “In case of any difficulty, complain at Phone no. 011-23370115,” the official statement said.
Moreover, the official statement on press information bureau site read, “It has been reported in a certain section of media that some unscrupulous elements posing as GST officers have tried to fleece the shopkeepers and customers in the name of GST. It is hereby clarified by the Office of the Chief Commissioner of GST (Delhi Zone) that the Department only wants to facilitate the shopkeepers and traders during the transition period.”
“No officer of the Department is authorized to visit the premises of the traders and shopkeepers without authorization. In case of any difficulty, complain at Phone no. 011-23370115, Central Revenue Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi,” the statement added.