This Independence Day, Delhi’s Red Fort will get a new look, thanks to the Archaeological Survey of India and Navratna public sector enterprise NBCC (India) Ltd. The world famous 17th century Mughal era monument has been lit up with architectural lighting also known as ‘element illumination’ to enhance its beauty after sunset.
Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture (Independent Charge)Dr. Mahesh Sharma was the Chief Guest at today’s event organised to unveil special façade lighting at the historic Red Fort. Among those present on the occasion were Shri Arun Goel, Secretary, Ministry of Culture; Smt. Usha Sharma, Director General (DG), Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Shri Raman Aggarwal, ED (NBCC); and other senior officials from the Ministry of Culture, NBCC and ASI besides prominent citizens living nearby.
NBCC, which undertook the task of replacing the existing lights on 1.3 km length of parapets, is using around 2,600 lamps to illuminate a historic monument. The new architectural lighting will cast programmed light on components such as domes, ramparts, minarets, arches and balconies from different directions to highlight their architectural details.
“Lal Qila is one of those historical monuments which attracts millions of tourists every year and is the pride jewel in Delhi’s history. NBCC is a proud Delhi citizen and we are happy to show this literally in a new light,” NBCC Chairman-cum-Managing Director Dr Anoop Kumar Mittal said. NBCC is acting as the PMC agency for all developmental works for ASI on Monuments in Delhi.
The scope of work included monument illumination, pathways, CCTV surveillance, and HVAC, electrification and lighting for the proposed museum in eight barracks of British era. NBCC had partnered with the Archaeological Survey of India for the project to enhance Lal Qila’s architectural splendour after sunset.