The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will come out with a mobile application to help visually challenged people in identifying currency notes as cash still remains a dominant mode of transaction. At present, banknotes in the denominations of Rs 10, Rs 20, Rs 50, Rs 100, Rs 200, Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 are in circulation, besides Re 1 notes issued by the Centre.
The RBI said that identification of banknote denomination is key to successful completion of cash-based transactions by visually impaired persons. Intaglio printing based identification marks for helping the visually challenged in identification of banknotes denomination are present in the notes of Rs 100 and above.
After demonetisation of old Rs 500/1,000 notes in November 2016, new banknotes in design and sizes have been put in circulation. “The Reserve Bank of India has been sensitive to the challenges faced by the visually challenged in conducting their day to day business with Indian banknotes,” said the central bank while scouting for a vendor to develop the mobile application.