BJP president Amit Shah has asserted that the party wants the construction of the Ram temple to be done “at the exact spot” in Uttar Pradesh’s Ayodhya. He also claimed that the case would not “go beyond ten days” if the Supreme Court were to conduct “day-to-day hearings”, according to reports. Shah’s remarks came a day after party MPs, especially those from Uttar Pradesh, posed tough questions over the issue during the parliamentary party meeting held in the national capital on Tuesday. Home Minister Rajnath Singh had presided over the meeting since both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Shah were not in the national capital.
Shah exuded confidence that the hearings will commence in January as per schedule, and the Supreme Court would pronounce “whatever the decision” promptly. Shah claimedthe entire country wants the construction of “a grand Ram temple” in Ayodhya. “Ayodhya is a title issue. The BJP clearly states that we want to build a grand Ram temple at the exact spot and it is the demand of the entire nation… The case was pending before the Supreme Court much before 2014. Lawyers of both the Centre and UP government requested the court to give priority to the case,” Shah was quoted as saying at an event in Mumbai.