From the Rapid Rail and Jewar airport to the construction of the Ram Mandir, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Thursday said all these projects came to fruition only because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Taking a dig at the Opposition, he said these schemes could have been implemented in the past too but no one thought about the country’s interests.
Adityanath was addressing a rally in Jewar to appeal to voters to choose Gautam Buddha Nagar MP Mahesh Sharma for a third term as the constituency’s MP in the Lok Sabha polls.
“Asia’s biggest airport is being constructed here and the people of Sikandrabad and Jewar will benefit the most by it… we’re making 6-lane, 8-lane, 12-lane highways, we’re giving you the rapid rail, the metro, and… a dedicated freight corridor junction in Dadri… lakhs of jobs will be created,” said the CM.
Hitting out at the Congress, Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party, he added: “Programmes could have been implemented in the past too. But there were no people to think of the country’s interests.., Congress, SP, BSP — for them, their families are more important and they cannot think beyond their selfishness.”
Sharma, who was also at the event, highlighted work carried out in the constituency in the last 10 years. “The people here thank you for the Jewar airport… for the Eastern Peripheral Expressway… people are grateful for making Gautam Buddha Nagar the economic capital of Uttar Pradesh,” he said.