Railways is reportedly set to cancel more than 60 trains between July 3 and 15 which may a cause some trouble for the passengers, as per a report by NDTV. These trains will be cancelled as interlocking is going on Saharanpur-Meerut railroad. The interlocking work is going on the rail line between Durala to Meerut which will led to doubling and as result, many trains will have to be cancelled or their routes might be changed between July 3 and 15.
Here are some important trains that will be cancelled:
04401: Anand Vihar-Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Special Train- 3, 7, 10 and 14 July
04402: Sri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra-Anand Vihar Special Train- 4, 8, 11 and 15 July
14521/14522: Delhi-Ambala Intercity Express- 4th July to 14th July
19019/19020: Bandra Terminal-Dehradun Express- 2 to 16 July
14310: Dehradun-Ujjain Express- 4, 5, 11 and 12 July
14681/14682: New Delhi-Jalandhar Express- 4th to 14th July
14309: Ujjain-Dehradun Express-5, 6, 12 and 13 July
14318: Dehradun-Indore Express- 7, 8 and 14 July
14317: Indore-Dehradun Express – 8, 9 and 15 July
19325: Indore-Amritsar Express- 4,7 and 11 July
19326: Amritsar-Indore Express- 5,8, and 12 July
18237/18238: Chhattisgarh Express- 5 to 14 July
64555/64556: Anand Vihar-Meerut City from MEMU-7 to 14th July
64559/64558: Old Delhi-Saharanpur from MEU-4 to 14th July
64557: Old Delhi-Saharanpur MEMU-14 July
64560: Old Delhi-Saharanpur MEMU-14 July
54303: Old Delhi-Kalka Passenger-6 and 7 July
54304: Kalka-Old Delhi Passenger-7 to 14th July
54474/54473: Saharanpur-Old Delhi Passenger- 7 to 14 July
54540/54539: Ambala-Nizamuddin Passenger-6 to 14th July
54475: Old Delhi-Haridwar Passenger-7 to 14th July
Yesterday, as many as 15 train services were cancelled while 25 were partially cancelled on the Central Railway (CR) after a wheel of the engine of train no. 12618, Nizamuddin-Ernakulam Mangala Express, derailed while entering Kalyan station at 2.18 pm on Friday. However, no casualty or injury was reported in the incident. “Due to the incident, both up and down train services were held up for some time and the track was declared safe at 3.15 pm for the down line, between Kalyan and Kasara, and both directions, between Kalyan and Karjat. Suburban services resumed at 3.30 pm,” a CR official told The Indian Express.