Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arrived here on Friday on a two-day visit to review the party’s preparations after a new team was appointed for the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls. The Congress general secretary arrived at the Chowdhury Charan Singh Airport in the morning and was welcomed by senior party leaders. From the airport, she went to the party headquarters at Mall Avenue.
This is Priyanka Gandhi’s first visit to Uttar Pradesh after a new team headed by state Congress chief Ajay Kumar Lallu was given the responsibility of the state.Besides taking part in organisational meetings, she will also be reviewing the preparations for the “Bharat Bachao Rally”, to be organised in New Delhi on December 14, Lallu said.
The rally will be held at New Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan and will focus on issues related to the economic downturn, unemployment, farm distress, inflation and other matters related to the common man, he added.