Minister of State (I/C) for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan while addressing media today, congratulated the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force for unearthing the racket involved in short delivery of fuel at petrol stations in Lucknow. These raids were carried at 11 petrol pumps out on specific information regarding tampering with fuel calibration by use of electronic chips. Of these, electronic chips were found at 9 fuel stations, 3 of which belong to IOCL and the other 6 belong to BPCL.
The Minister said that he held talks with the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Chief Secretary and DGP of Uttar Pradesh on this issue. The Central and State Governments have decided to hold a meeting in Lucknow in light of the raids, which would be chaired by the Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh and will be attended by representatives of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and Oil Marketing Companies.
The Minister said that all fuel stations in Uttar Pradesh will be re-assessed by a team comprising of representatives from State Government’s Weight and Measures Department, Civil Supplies Department, Special Task Force and the Oil Marketing Company. At the same time, random surprise checks will be conducted all across the country at fuel stations. The instructions to this effect have been given to all concerned. Shri Pradhan said that the Central Government hopes for full cooperation from the States as Weights and Measures is a State subject and the annual supervision cum certification of fuel delivery units at fuel stations is carried out by the Weights and Measures Departments of the concerned State.
Shri Pradhan said consumer interest is paramount and that strict action will be taken against those found guilty of tampering with fuel calibration. He said that those dealers violating the Marketing Discipline Guidelines (MDG) will also face strict action mounting to even termination of licences.