Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s flagship Ujjwala Yojana completed one year on Friday. Targeting to add 10 crore new LPG connections in next three years, Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan on Friday said that around 2.20 crore connections given under PM Ujjwala Yojana, a mile-stone in LPG connections distribution.
The Minister also said that there has been a 10 per cent growth in LPG Distributions in last 3 years.
Here are the highlights of the scheme:
#1.85% PMUY Beneficiaries booked refills. 2. 38% Beneficiaries belong to SC/ST. Proves the effectiveness & transparency: Pradhan
#We kept the idea of Digital India in the core of all our schemes from their conception to implementation to monitoring: Pradhan
#2 Crore Plus PMUY & Overall 3.25 Cr new LPG Connections, 10% Growth in LPG Demand Rate, 4600 New Distributors in 3 Yrs: Pradhan
#We ensured transparency and public participation in LPG distributions by organising Ujjwala Mela: Pradhan
#Today the whole nation shares our belief that PMUY has been one of the most effectively implemented Govt Welfare Scheme: Pradhan
#PM Ujjwala Yojana’s anniversary is an occasion to celebrate our efforts of successfully implementing Prime Minister’s vision to transform the lives of the poor: Pradhan