Around 60 residents of Waghodiya taluka of Vadodara district have submitted a memorandum to the District Collector demanding LPG gas connection for which they said they had applied a year ago under the Pradhan Mantri UjjwalaYojna (PMUY). They also alleged discrepancies in the allotment.
“The benefit of the gas and (LPG) cylinder allotment under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana is not being given to real beneficiaries of Waghodiya taluka, though computerised record of the deputy mamlatdar supply office shows that they have been allotted,” stated the memorandum.
“I have not received a gas stove and the LPG connection, still I have started receiving subsidy in my (bank) account. How is this possible? How can we get subsidy without using LPG connection?” said Geeta Rohit, a resident of Harijanvas, who along with the residents of Timbi, Limda, Himatpura, Waghodiya, Goraj, Madodhar, Vyara, Jambuwada, Sangadol and Kagdipura villages gathered at the collector’s office with the acknowledgement slips of their applications.