The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will visit Mandla in Madhya Pradesh tomorrow, 24th April on the National Panchayati Raj Day. He will launch the Rashtriya Gramin Swaraj Abhiyan, at a public meeting, and address Panchayati Raj representatives across the country, from Mandla.
The Prime Minister will unveil a Road Map for overall development of tribals during the next five years, on this occasion. He will unveil a plaque to mark the laying of foundation stone of an LPG bottling plant of Indian Oil Corporation at Maneri, Mandla District. He will also launch a Local Government Directory.
In keeping up with the Government’s commitment towards clean, healthy, and electrified India, the Prime Minister would felicitate the Sarpanches of the villages which have achieved 100 percent smokeless kitchens, 100 percent vaccination under Mission Indradhanush, and 100 percent electrification under Saubhagya Scheme.
The winners of Rashtriya e-Panchayat Puraskar, and Gram Panchayat Vikas Puraskar Yojana under Sarvasreshtha Panchayat Puraskar Yojana will be felicitated on this occasion. Later, the Prime Minister will interact with the District Collectors of the Aspirational Districts from Madhya Pradesh.