Facing flak from the BJP for the virtual washout of the recent budget session of Parliament, Congress president Rahul Gandhi today hit back, saying the Prime Minister who has the time to travel all over the country, could not spare 15 minutes for the Lok Sabha.”Prime Minister is travelling across the country, but he does not have 15 minutes to give a speech in the Lok Sabha,” Rahul Gandhi told reporters here on the second day of his three-day visit to his Parliamantary constituency.
“15 minute de dein, khare nahin ho payenge Lok Sabha mein (He will not be able to face the Lok Sabha even for 15 minutes, he will not be able to answer our queries),” he said. The BJP, however, reacted sharply to Gandhi’s remarks saying the Congress leader will do well worrying more about his constituency.
“As far as the Prime Minister speaking in the Lok Sabha is considered, Rahul Gandhi will not be able to compete with him,” state BJP general secretary Vijay Bahadur Pathak said. Pathak said, “Rahul is in his parliamentary constituency and the people there are questioning him about about the state of the ‘adarsh’ (ideal) village and what all he has done about the development schemes which he had to support.”