Petrol prices were kept unchanged for the sixth consecutive day on Monday across all major cities in the country while there is a marginal hike in diesel prices. While petrol is retailing at Rs 71.27 per litre in Delhi, diesel can be availed at Rs 66 per litre. In Mumbai, petrol and diesel rates are retailing at Rs 76.90 per litre and Rs 69.11 per litre, respectively.
In Kolkata and Chennai, petrol is priced at Rs 73.36 per litre and Rs 73.99 per litre, respectively. On the other side, diesel is Rs 67.78 a litre in Kolkata and Rs 69.72 a litre in Chennai, according to data available on the website of Indian Oil Corporation. Petrol and diesel prices have been hiked by more than Rs 2 per litre each in the month of January. Petrol and diesel prices in Delhi are the cheapest among all metro cities.