Petrol prices and diesel prices were hiked across Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai on Friday. While petrol prices were increased by 18-19 paise per litre in the four metros, diesel prices were increased by 23-24 paise per litre. Effective 6 am, Friday, petrol rates were at Rs. 71.75 per litre in Delhi, Rs. 74.5 per litre in Kolkata, Rs. 79.63 per litre in Mumbai and Rs. 74.4 per litre in Chennai, according to Indian Oil Corporation’s website – iocl.com. Diesel rates were at Rs. 62.48 per litre in Delhi, Rs. 65.17 per litre in Kolkata, Rs. 66.54 per litre in Mumbai and Rs. 65.87 per litre in Chennai, according to Indian Oil Corporation – the country’s largest fuel retailer.