Petrol prices in Delhi touched a fresh high of Rs 74.08 per litre on Friday, the highest in nearly five years.
In September 2013 the price had touched Rs 74.10 a litre.
In Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai too, prices climbed to new multi-year highs at Rs 76.78, Rs 81.93 and Rs 76.85 per litre respectively, the Indian Oil website said. The previous highs in these cities were Rs 78.03 (Kolkata, August 2014), Rs 82.07 (Mumbai, March 2014) and Rs 76.93 (Chennai, July 2014).
Diesel prices also touched new record levels on Friday. Diesel prices in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai were Rs 65.31, Rs 68.01, Rs 69.54 and Rs 68.90 per litre respectively.