Petrol price on Sunday was hiked by 28 paise per litre and diesel by 29 paise, the fifth straight day of increase in rates due to firming international oil prices. Petrol price in Delhi rose to Rs 83.41 per litre from Rs 83.13. Diesel rates went up from Rs 73.32 to Rs 73.61 per litre, according to a price notification of oil marketing companies.
Rates crossed Rs 90-mark for petrol and Rs 80 in case of diesel in Mumbai. This is the fifth straight day of price hike and the 14th increase in rates since November 20 when oil companies resumed daily price revision after nearly two-month hiatus. Rates are now at the highest level since September 2018. In 17 days, the petrol price has gone up by Rs 2.35 per litre and diesel rate has risen by Rs 3.15.