The issue of grant of special status to Andhra Pradesh today rocked the Rajya Sabha as the opposition created an uproar over the issue, forcing Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu to adjourn the House till afternoon. The issue came up after Minister of State for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences Y S Chowdary rose to suggest that since the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act have not been implemented, the matter should be addressed by the Finance Minister when he replies to the debate on the general budget.
Chowdary blamed both the Congress and the BJP for the “hasty passage” of the AP Reorganisation Act. “On behalf of Government of India, I would like to mention here that this House is fully aware on how the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act was passed so unscientifically and unreasonably, for which both the national parties are responsible….
“In last three and half years, our government could not implement certain commitments given on behalf of the Act. My suggestion, if government is willing, … is that there are some issues of special category status, bridging of resource gap and building of steel plant,” Chowdary said.