State-owned ONGC has received green clearance for the Rs 456-crore exploratory drilling project in Sivasagar district of Assam, a government document showed. The company’s proposal is to drill 10 wells in the petroleum lease areas — Rudrasagar, Geleki, Lakwa, Namti, Mekypore, Santak Nazira — of Sivasagar district.About 1.5-2.25 hectares of land are required for each well and the estimated project cost is Rs 456.20 crore.
In a letter issued to the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), the Union environment ministry has informed that the government has given final environment clearance to the proposed exploratory project in Assam. The clearance is subject to compliance of certain specific and general conditions, it said.In its proposal, ONGC has said that exploratory drilling of 10 wells is highly prospective where oil and gas have been discovered and produced from a large stratigraphic column. The proposed project will help establish hydrocarbons in the block, help cut the country’s oil import bill and reduce imbalance in oil production and consumption, it said.