OIL To Challenge Pollution Control Board Closure Notice In Gauhati High Court



Oil India Limited (OIL) will file writ petition in the Gauhati High Court challenging Pollution Control Board, Assam (PCBA) which served a Closure Notice directing OIL to close down all the production as well as Drilling operations of all installations of Baghjan Oilfield forthwith. OIL gas producing well blew out on May 27 and on June 9 as it exploded into a massive inferno.

The board stated, “It is seen that you have been not submitting the Annual Report regularly under Section 9 of the Hazardous & Other waste (Management & Trans boundary movement) rules, 2016, which is a serious violation and liable to be punished under the Law al force. WHEREAS, Pollution Control Board, Assam have refused your request for extension of time for reply to the Show Cause notice issued to you on 10.06.2020.”

The board added, “Under the above facts & circumstances, Pollution Control Board, Assam is constrained to inform you that, you have non-chalantly violated the provisions of law in force causing pollution to the environment and in exercising of powers conferred upon it under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; Section 33A of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act. 1974 and Section 31A of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act. 1981 as amended till date, you are directed to Close down all the production as well as drilling operations of your all installations of Baghjan Oil Field forth with and to take all necessary measures for extinguishing the fire/blow-out of the Well No. BGN-5.”


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