After the four senior judges who held the press conference on Friday, work is expected to resume as usual at the Supreme Court on Monday. The press conference was held in which they questioned working of the Chief Justice of India. On Monday, the four judges will continue with their duties at the court. According to a report in The Indian Express, so far CJI Dipak Misra did not make any move to make a contact with the four judges after their press conference. However, reports have indicated that the CJI may hold talks soon. The four judges, namely Justice Jasti Chelameswar, Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Justice Madan Lokur and Justice Kurian Joseph held the dramatic press conference on Friday.
As per the sources close to the judges have revealed that there’s been no contact made by the Justice Misra to contact till late Sunday. The source also revealed that on Monday, the four judges will go to the Supreme Court and “do their job”. The four judges will hear the cases assigned to them as per the schedule, the source said. During the press conference on Friday, one of the talking points was the “selective” allocation of cases by the CJI.