The national highways authority of India (NHAI) will be able to earn Rs. one lakh crores in revenue from toll and wayside amenities over the next five years, Union Minister of Road Transport and highways Nitin Gadkari said on Monday. Gadkari said that as the government goes on to build additional roads, the length of roads with tolling system will increase to 75,000 kms over the next five years.
Currently, around 24,996 kms are under the tolling system, and over 2,000 kms will be added by the current financial year. “The toll income by the end of this (financial) year will reach Rs 30,000 crores. As we go on to build more roads and other amenities, the income from toll and other sources of revenue will reach Rs one lakh crore,” Gadkari said at a conference on electronic tolling here.