New notes for Rs 200 and Rs 500 will be soon issued by The Reserve Bank of India in Mahatma Gandhi (New) series, RBI announced. With the signature of the current RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, the new notes will be similar to previous Rs 200 and Rs 500 notes. The past notes of these denominations issued by the central bank will continue to be legal tender, RBI further added.
“The Reserve Bank of India will shortly issue ₹ 200 denomination Banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series bearing the signature of Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor. The design of these notes is similar in all respects to ₹ 200 banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series,” Yogesh Dayal, Chief General Manager said adding “All banknotes in the denomination of Rs 200 issued by the Reserve Bank in the past will continue to be legal tender.”