Paying tribute to India’s rich cultural heritage, ₹100 currency notes will soon come in a new design and a fresh lavender colour. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) today announced that the new ₹100 denomination currency note will soon be made available at banks. Part of the Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series of banknotes, the new denomination prominently carries the motif of ‘Rani-Ki-Vav’ (The Queen’s Stepwell), a UNESCO World Heritage site in Gujarat. Located in Gujarat’s Patan, the 900-year-old architectural wonder highlights the sanctity of water as it is designed as an inverted temple under the earth’s surface.
All banknotes in the denomination of ₹100 issued by the RBI in the earlier series will continue to be legal tender. As is normal, when a new design of banknote is introduced, printing and supply of these notes for distribution to public through the banking channel will gradually increase, says RBI.