Three farmers ended their lives in Madhya Pradesh in the last 24 hours, taking the number of farmer suicides in the state in the past one week to five. The latest reports of suicides come in the wake of a slew of measures announced by the state government to contain acute agrarian distress and anger after five farmers were killed in police firing at Mandsaur on June 6. Two allegedly debt-ridden farmers committed suicide at Jajna village under Rehti police station area in Sehore district and in Bhairpur village of Hoshangabad district, respectively.
Also, a farmer from Vidisha district died during treatment in Bhopal where he was admitted after consuming poisonous pills yesterday. A debt-ridden 55-year old farmer allegedly committed suicide by consuming poisonous substance yesterday at Jajna village in Sehore, the home district of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Dulichand Keer, the farmer, was declared brought dead at the hospital.