With favourable conditions for the rapid advancement of southwest monsoon, the India meteorological Department (IMD) said Sunday it is expected to cover the remaining parts of India, including those in Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab during the next two days. For the rest of the country, the weather body issued a significant warning during the next five days, as the active monsoon season is expected to bring ‘heavy to very heavy’ rainfall at many places.
Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh and rest of northwest India: IMD said there is a high likelihood of light to moderate scattered to fairly widespread rainfall persisting in northwest India over the next 24 hours. Additionally, Uttarakhand is expected to experience isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall till July 6; In Uttar Pradesh, while the eastern region will experience heavy rainfall from July 4-6; the IMD said western UP is likely to witness isolated heavy rainfall on July 5 and 6.