Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Bihar and Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday where he will address multiple election rallies to woo the voters ahead of the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections. According to the schedule announced by the BJP, PM Modi will address his first rally of the day in Muzaffarpur at 11 am where polling will be held in the fifth phase on May 6. In Bihar, which sends 40 MPs to the Lok Sabha, polling has been done for 19 seats. Polling for remaining 21 seats will take place in the remaining phases on May 6, May 12 and May 19. From Muzaffarpur, PM Modi will go to Uttar Pradesh where he will hold public meetings in Bahraich and Barabanki. Polling here will also take place in the fifth phase on May 6.
In Uttar Pradesh, the BJP is facing a stiff challenge from the SP-BSP-RLD combine. The grand alliance is banking heavily on the caste factor to win maximum seats in the state while the BJP is highlighting the works of the Modi government done in the last five years to seek the second term. The Congress is also contesting elections in Uttar Pradesh on its own but it is unlikely to pose any tough fight to the BJP and grand alliance.