Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel in an open jeep on the Delhi-Meerut Expressway on Sunday and also inaugurate India’s first smart and green highway, the Eastern Peripheral Expressway (EPE), built at a cost of Rs 11,000 crore, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said today. The Prime Minister’s road show will commence from the Nizamuddin Bridge, the start of the about 9 km first leg of the Delhi-Meerut Expressway, and after a 6-km travel on the stretch, he is scheduled to fly to Baghpat for dedicating the EPE to the nation.
“The Prime Minister will travel in an open jeep on Delhi Meerut Expressway for 6 km, where he will be greeted by a huge number of people. The Prime Minister would inaugurate the exhibition and 3D model there and would fly to Baghpat to dedicate to the nation the EPE,” Road Transport, Highways and Shipping Minister Gadkari said here.
The 135-km EPE, built at a cost of Rs 11,000 crore, has several unique features and is India’s first highway to be lit by solar power besides provisions of rain water harvesting on every 500 metres on both sides and would showcase 36 national monuments and 40 fountains, the minister said, adding it has been completed in a record 500 days. There are 8 solar power plants on this expressway having a capacity of 4000-kilo watt (4 MW).