Latching onto the Supreme Court’s verdict on Lokpal issue, BSP supremo Mayawati today asked the Narendra Modi government to shun its “stubborn attitude” and immediately appoint the anti-corruption ombudsman. “The Prime Minister now needs to display honesty and his good intentions towards fighting corruption and appoint the first Lokpal of the country,” she said.
Her statement came hours after the apex court ruled that Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, is a “workable piece of legislation” and it was not justifiable to keep its operation pending. The Modi government has been misusing official machinery and hatching conspiracies in its bid to prove itself as honest and all others as dishonest and incorrect, she alleged.
It has been shying away from appointing Lokpal which could fight corruption. This has naturally raised a serious question mark on the honesty and intention of the government and this should be addressed after today’s verdict, she said. She alleged that despite the law being enacted long back, it has been put on the back burner on one pretext or the other.