Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the Kedarnath on Wednesday even as the sacred portals of the temple will be thrown open to devotees after being closed for winters. The visit comes after his announcement of ‘all-weather’ roads for the Char Dham yatra in Uttarakhand. It has been learned that PM Modi will be the first to offer prayers, according to The Indian Express report. Apart from PM Modi, President Pranab Mukherjee will be visiting Uttarakhand in the first week of May to pay obeisance at Badrinath and Kedarnath, a PTI report says.
According to PTI report, PM Narendra Modi was scheduled to arrive at the Jollygrant airport on May 3 in Dehradun. It has been learned that President Mukherjee will arrive on May 5 for a two-day visit during which he is scheduled to address the convocation of Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy and visit Badrinath in Chamoli district the next day to offer prayers, an official release said, as per PTI report.
PM Modi will arrive at the Jollygrant airport at 7.25 am on Wednesday and offer prayers at Kedarnath at 8.50 am. He will also pay a visit to Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar at 11.35 am to inaugurate a research centre there before leaving for Delhi the same day, the report said.