Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reached out to a whopping 25 lakh people in Karnataka through several video interactions on his app, a BJP functionary claimed today, asserting that he is the only global leader to have adopted this unique communication tool. Modi today concluded his interactions- which happened in the run-up to the Karnataka assembly polls scheduled for May 12- with an interaction with the workers of the state BJP’s SC, ST, OBC and slum wings. BJP IT department in-charge Amit Malviya claimed Modi through the live video interactions on ‘NaMo’ app created a unique way of electioneering and reached out to 25 lakh people, which included party’s candidates, workers and supporters, in the poll-bound state.
With the all-important Lok Sabha polls scheduled for next year, the prime minister’s outreach through his app will only increase, he said. In the last couple of weeks, he has spoken to the workers of the Karnataka BJP’s farmers, women and youth wings and also answered their questions “PM Modi is the first and only global leader to have adopted the unique video interactions through his own app,” Malviya claimed.
The mobile app has been the latest addition in the technology tool kit of Modi and he has been utilising it to the maximum in the Karnataka campaign, he said. The interaction with the leaders of various party wings has helped him reach the last mile worker of the organisation, sending them the message that they can directly interact with the prime minister, he said.