Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi, according to reports. This comes amid the “deteriorating security situation” in the state, as per PTI report. CM Mehbooba is expected to discuss with PM Modi the prevailing situation in the state and the way forward. She is also likely to press for some political initiative from the central government to address the alienation among the people of Kashmir, particularly the youth, which is being reflected in increasing incidents of stone-pelting, the report said.
CM Mehbooba’s meeting with PM Modi is also taking place against the backdrop of recent bypoll to Srinagar Lok Sabha constituency which witnessed largescale violence and the lowest turnout ever. In the bypoll, the PDP also lost the seat to National Conference, just in nearly three years after the 2014 general elections, as per the PTI report.