LPG (cooking gas) penetration in Odisha has reached to 58.55 per cent, Union Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said on Saturday. “LPG penetration in Odisha has reached to 58.55 per cent by May 1 this year against 20% in June 2014. The Government of India has set a target of providing gas connections to 80 lakh household by the end of December 2018,” he said at the Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat at Mangalajodi in Khurda district organized by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Pradhan said as of now a total 24.23 lakh connections released under Prime Minister Ujjwala Yojna.
Last year, 177 new LPG distributors have been added to the list which comes around 775 of total LPG distributors as on May 1. Additional 225 LPG distributors will be added to make it total 1000, said the Minister. This shows the level of LPG penetration in Odisha, he added.